Women’s Bible Study of the book of Philippians

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The kick off for our newest Women’s Bible Study will be Saturday January 13th at our monthly Women’s Breakfast. The breakfast will be from 9:00 to 11:30am at the church and will be a potluck meal. 

During our time on the 13th, we will talk about the “Inductive Bible Study Method” which will help you get the most out of this study and also be useful as you study the Bible on your own.

This weekly study will be held on Monday’s and hopefully one of these two times will fit well for your schedule (you only need to attend one each Monday):

  • Morning Section – Monday’s January 22nd – April 9th, 9-10:30am at the church
  • Evening Section – Monday’s January 22nd – April 9th,       7-8:30 pm at the church

Free childcare at the church has been arranged for the evening study and we are looking for two female volunteers to do childcare for the morning study.  If you have the availability to serve in this way, please let us know.

If you are interested in attending the study, please jot your information down on the clip board as it comes around this morning.  You can also contact Stephanie Hotaling directly at 970-556-0109 or stephanie@highplainsharvest.org with questions or to sign up. 

